The workings of your gas appliances may never have concerned you but did you know that with out regular maintenance then just like your car they will stop working?  This may be one day when you want a soft boiled egg for breakfast, and you can not light the hob, you wish to have a romantic evening together in front of your fire, or you just wake up on a Monday morning to a cold house.


Like most things today we take for granted that they will just work every time we come to use them.  However all gas appliances burn butane, and one of the waste products from burning butane is carbon dioxide.  This is the normal and fine for any gas appliance when it is working correctly but when it does not work correctly then carbon monoxide is produced instead, this is known as the SILENT KILLER.


  It is for this reason that all gas appliances should be serviced at least ONCE A YEAR by a registered GAS SAFE ENGINEER.